
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Remembrance Day - Lest we Forget

It's a rather sobering Remembrance Day.  Not that they all aren't a reminder of the sacrifice so many made and continue to make.  But today is the 100th Anniversary of World War I.  Combine that with
the shock of having two soldiers killed on Canadian soil within the last three weeks and it's drawn a large crowd to Parliament Hill and the national memorial service.

(Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
I wasn't able to watch the ceremony this year which I do every year on TV or at the local cenotaph.  But I'm not in the country and it's not on TV, at least not on my cable subscription, but I still get CBC, the national radio station, so I've been listening, had my moment of silence and silently thanked all that fought for our freedom and still do.

I just heard these quotes and while I can't give credit to who spoke them, here they are:
"Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it."
"War has unified us and it has divided us."

Powerful words to go forward with today and every day as we remember.


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